Echo Chamber - 352 - Part Two (Year One)
You can hear ‘Part One’ of this week’s episode, HERE!!!
After a great appetiser, can we follow it up in 'Part TWO' of this week's @EchoChamberFP damn straight we can!!!
We have a brand new feature that brings us a tale of University and mental health that we don't normally see. And, if you’re an up and coming filmmaker, there’s no one better you want holding you down than AJ Feuerman, and AJ knows to hit me up for a unique confab. So, we get to chop it up with the writer / director to get into the inspiration for such a raw, unflinching story!!!
'Year One' is the feature directorial debut from Lauren Loesberg, which she also wrote. Ruby’s (Elizabeth Yu) freshman year of college doesn’t go as planned. Despite her best efforts, she struggles to make friends other than her complicated roommate, Selene (Emma Raimi), and experiences both academic and social rejection. But Selene bears problems of her own when her severe anxiety and inability to care for herself seep into Ruby’s everyday life. Soon, Ruby finds herself in a downward spiral, marked by dreams and the appearance of her glamorous alter ego, Ruby II, who begins to live the life that Ruby thinks she is expected to have.
Watch the conversation: HERE!
In 'Part Two' we have:
Year One - Poster
Year One
Watch Review: Here.
Bentonville Film Festival, World Premiere: 13th June 2024
Dances With Film: NY: 7th December 2024
Director: Lauren Loesberg
Cast: Elizabeth Yu, Emma Raimi, Maya Schnake, Taylor Kinkead, Billy Chengary, Ryder Dean McDaniel, Tatsumi Romano, Kali Skatchke, Jordan Moore, Lauren Loesberg, Julian Sanchez, Melanie J. Hubbard, Heather Jencks, Heidi Drennan, Ryan Foreman, Harmony Zhang, Sargon Odicho, Cannon Cook, Caleb Whittaker, Judy Kaufman, Andy Loesberg, Melissa Harrison, Edwina Luokkala-Burckhardt, Madeline Reese, Claire Partin
Credit: Rm. 19 Productions
Genre: Drama
Running Time: 93 min
Cert: 15
Trailer: Here.
Website: Here.
Instagram: @yearonefeature
Watch the conversation: HERE!
Lauren Loesberg
Lauren Loesberg
Writer, Director, Producer, Editor, Actress
Lauren Loesberg is a Jewish-American filmmaker based in Los Angeles and a graduate of Northwestern University. Her work has been recognized by the Student Academy Awards, Film Independent, the Chicago International Film Festival, and more than eighty film festivals around the world. Her debut feature, Year One, was listed by IndieWire for their 2024 Sundance Wish List and premiered in competition at the Geena Davis’s Bentonville Film Festival in 2024. Year One is also the recipient of the ReFrame Stamp, an initiative of the Sundance Institute and Women in Film to highlight films that achieve gender parity in front of and behind the camera.
Lauren can also be found among the crew of more than thirty films and television shows, including 2020 Academy Award Winner The Neighbor’s Window and foreign-language feature Redemption (TIFF 2018). She most recently worked as director & producer’s assistant on Season 2 of acclaimed television series Tokyo Vice.
Follow Lauren via:
IMDb: Here.
Linkedin: Here.
Website: Here.
Facebook: Here.
Instagram: @laurloes
YouTube: Here.
Vimeo: Here.
Watch Lauren's films via Prime Video: Here.
You can hear ‘Part One’ of this week’s episode, HERE!!!
'The Big Payback' (Instrumental) by EPMD - 2020