EFTV - 138: Am I feeling Yellow or Blue!?!

The world's a tough place, so be thankful organisations are utilising goofy ish like Moodbeam bands to let your boss know if your happy or sad, yah, We also look at the landmark case (lol) in the UK, where a woman is banned for life from E-scooters, Github flim flam over a member of staff who is either dumb or just precious, AND a couple gets deported from Bali for trying to get over morons to come to the country illegally. We talk this and more on today's #EFTV

PLUS, FINALLY got a chance to check Andrew Schulz's new Netflix special, 'Schulz Saves America'. Split into four chunks, this will have you in stitches if you're down with his fast, in your face, monologue stylings....and you dig funny writing!

AND, our Audible of the week, is soon to be a HBO Max TV series, and we recently checked out the prequel 'The Book of Phoenix'. That's right people, I'm talking Nnedi Okorafor HUGE hit 'Who Fears Death'.

This week:

- Organisations relying on technology to establish staffs wellbeing.....instead of, just asking

- Woman gets lifetime ban from e-scooters

- A South African doctor who worked with Apartheid Government to create chemical weapons against black people won't leave medicine!

- Github fire employee and are now backtracking......why!?!

- Couple being deported from Bali for promoting how to enter country during COVID!!!

- Chin check


- TV: Schulz Saves America - Special - thoughts


- Who Fears Death by Nnedi Okorafor



'All Summer Long' by Kid Rock - 2007

Instagram Profile Pics_Mountain.jpg
Shultz Saves America - Poster.jpg
Who Fears Death by Nnedi Okorafor.jpg

EFTV - 139: It's not bragging rights! - Part 1


EFTV - 137: Anderson / Farrelly brothers Hybrid