Echo Chamber: LFF21 - Day 9 - Part Two
We're now ready for 'Part Two' of our 'Day 9' @EchoChamberFP festival coverage!
Also hitting the '65th BFI London Film Festival' today is 'Shepherd'. The new physiological drama from Russell Owen, who also joins us for a compelling confab!
Also hitting the '65th BFI London Film Festival' today is 'Shepherd'. The new physiological drama from Russell Owen, who also joins us for a compelling confab, which you can watch HERE!
In today's episode:
Shepherd - Poster
Watch Review: Here.
London Film Festival Date: 14th October 2021
London Film Festival Date: 15th October 2021
Theatrical Release Date: 12th November 2021
Director: Russell Owen
Cast: Tom Hughes, Kate Dickie, Gaia Weiss and Greta Scacchi
Credit: Golden Crab Film Production, Kindred Film, Castle Valley Film/GC Films, Darkland
Genre: Drama, Horror
Running Time: 103 min
Cert: 15
Trailer: Here.
BFI Website: Here.
Website: Here.
Facebook: Here.
Instagram: @shepherdthemovie
Russell Owen - Image
Russell Owen
Watch Interview: Here.
Russell graduated from UCA and his first gig, was as a producers assistant on horror 'An American Haunting'.
From there he worked as a storyboard and concept artist, working on Doctor Who reboots and Tomb Raider games before becoming a set decorator and art director for popular TV shows in the UK.
In 2008 he took the directors chair with 'Anglesey Road' his first short film, wining several awards. Then in 2013 he made his feature debut with 'Welcome To The Majority. Which also won several best film awards at various festivals.
His next short was 'Love In The Asylum' (based on the Dylan Thomas poem), and second feature was 'Patients of a Saint' ('Inmate Zero' in the US and GB).
In 2019 he set up production company 'Kindred Film', with Sam Orams.
Follow Russell via:
IMDb: Here.
Twitter: @russowen
Instagram: @russowen
Website: Here.
BFI Flare Festival 2021
Festival Date: 6th - 17th October 2021
From Wednesday 6th to Sunday 17th October 2021, join the BFI for in person & online screenings and entertainment over the next 12 days.
Twitter: @BFI
Twitter: @BFIFlare
Facebook: Here.
Instagram: @britishfilminstitute
YouTube: Here.
Remember to checkout ‘Part One’ of this week’s episode: HERE!!!
'DNA' by Kendrick Lamar – 2017