Echo Chamber - Sci-Fi London 23 - Day 3
Sci Fi London 2023 (31st May - 6th June) is into 'Day 3' of our @EchoChamberFP coverage!.
And it's another day with Premieres of interesting indie flicks!
'Ozma' is written & directed by Keith John Adams. After enduring yet another sleepless night plagued by the weight of his wife's absence, Jeff (Ferdy Roberts), an insomniac tormented by grief, stumbles upon a peculiar alien creature (Eva Magyar) reminiscent of a jellyfish in the alley adjacent to his residence. Astonishingly, this otherworldly being establishes a telepathic connection with Jeff, imploring him to aid in its concealment from menacing pursuers.
'The Warm Season' is directed by Janet Grillo and written by Adam Seidel. It's 1967 and 12 year-old Clive (Mia Akemi Brown) is playing in the New Mexican desert, when a man mysteriously appears before her. His name is Mann (Michael Esparza), he's from another planet which is dying, and he's searching for a new place for his kind to live. He hands her a glowing orb, asks her to hide it and promises he'll be back. Now it's 25 years later and Clive's (Carie Kawa) still waiting, struggling to keep the motel afloat and her aging mother, Carlene (Cynthia Mace), alive. Her husband, Mitch (Daniel Dorr), urges Clive to sell the motel, restart their life and revive their love. But Clive is holding onto the secret and the stone, too stuck in the past to pull herself into the future. And then Mann returns.
Today we have:
Ozma - Still
The Warm Season - Poster
The Warm Season
Watch Review: Here.
Boston Film Festival: 18th February 2023
The Santa Fe Film Festival: 18th February 2023
Arizona International Film Festival: 19th & 23rd April 2023
Milwaukee Film Festival: 23rd April & 4th May 2023
Big Apple Film Festival: 22nd May 2023
Sci-Fi London: 1st June 2023
Director: Janet Grillo
Cast: Carie Kawa, Cynthia Mace, Michael Esparza, Daniel Dorr, Gregory Jbara, Mia Akemi Brown, Leonel Garza, Manny Rubio, Nicholas Wagner, Oscar Avila, Andrew Kern, Christopher A. Brooks Sr
Credit: Cromono International
Genre: Drama, Sci-Fi
Running Time: 103:20 min
Cert: 15
Trailer: Here.
Website: Here.
Instagram: @thewarmseasonfilm
YouTube: Here.
Vimeo: Here.
Sci Fi London 2023 - Poster
Sci Fi London 2023
The London-based annual international film festival enjoys an unrivalled reputation as a launchpad for genre film, a credible forum for industry events and networking, and a stimulating, inclusive environment for audiences. Insider, outsider, all are welcome at the friendliest festival in town.
Always keen to challenge stereotypes and push the definition of what ‘sci-fi‘ means, Sci-Fi London has a reputation for programming a variety of exciting and independent films whilst remaining fun and inclusive.
Film Information: Here.
Buy Tickets: Here.
Website: Here.
Twitter: @scifilondon
Facebook: Here.
Instagram: @scifilondon
YouTube: Here.
Sci-Fi London 48 Hour Film Challenge
Are you ready for the Sci-Fi London 48hr Film Challenge!?!
Mark the date on your calendar, 24th June 2023, is when it begins.
You'll be sent the TITLE of the film you will make, a PROP list, a line of DIALOGUE and an optional IDEA/THEME. You then have until Monday, 26th Jone to WRITE, SHOOT and DELIVER your complete 5-minute film.
Register today HERE!!!:
And visit the YouTube Channel to watch previous winners, and trailers for this year’s Festival!
'End Credits’ by Christopher Lennertz - 2018