Echo Chamber - 315 - Part One
Well, this week, we're hitting you with a MAMMOTH @EchoChamberFP https://www.instagram.com/echochamberfp/ it's a 'THREE Parter' baby!!!
In 'Part ONE' we check the end of Escape Artists, Eagle Pictures & Sony Pictures Releasing action trilogy. There are two Australian joints, a heist tale from Sparke Films Productions & Rialto Distribution and a pared back sci-fi from Bonsai Films, XYZ Films, Blue Finch Films & Well Go USA Entertainment. We also get the story of the Pop-Tart via Netflix. PLUS, a heart jerking drama from Anti-Worlds Releasing, Alpha Violet & Vertigo Releasing.

Echo Chamber - 297 - Part Two (SCALA!!!)
I hope you're ready for 'Part TWO' of this week's @EchoChamberFP https://www.instagram.com/echochamberfp/ cause it's rammed to the rafters!!!
If you were going to the cinema in London in the late 70's onwards, then you may have passed through the hallowed doors of the Scala Cinema. However, don't worry if you didn't, cause there's a new documentary, that exudes the very essence of place and its era! THEN, we have the pleasure of speaking with the programmer for the cinema, and a repeat imbiber, who together brought the film to life! We go on a journey, exploring those heady days, as well as what it was like to breathe life into such a personal story, not just for them, but for a generation!!! Watch the conversation: HERE! https://youtu.be/IabLaI6KYHs