Echo Chamber - 330 - Part Two (Little Lucha and the Big Deal)
Ladies & gentlemen, noooooow, it's time for our 'Main Event', 'Part TWO' of this week's @EchoChamberFP https://www.instagram.com/echochamberfp/ is making it's way to the ring!!!
Thanks to Scott Motisko, we check out a new wrestling themed short, that goes beyond the glitz, to give us heart, friendship, perseverance and passion. THEN, in the red corner we have the writing & directing team for this slobber knocker of a confab! We get into how the film came together, the choice of wrestling, having their world premiere at the 'LA Shorts International Film Festival', as well as where this could go. A rip roaring back & forth, though no ladders or barbwire included!!! Watch the conversation: HERE! https://youtu.be/XxiL3_MFjRA