Echo Chamber - 366 - Part Three (The Monkey - Full Review)
You might want to turn on the lights for 'Part TWO' of this week's @EchoChamberFP https://www.instagram.com/echochamberfp/ as things get jumpy!!!
It took a few extra weeks, BUT we now go full on with our look at 'The Monkey' and have the GREAT Edward J Douglas to breakdown all of (well, a lot of) the VFX work from the film!
We first spoke with https://youtu.be/w7P-r71nDBc?si=jYfPW2_3Utb4l76Y Ed back in 'Episode 207' https://www.podcaphilia.com/echo-chamber/ep207c about his short films 'Swiped' https://youtu.be/HJD8Yf0B0xQ and 'U-Run' https://youtu.be/lHJ_h5hjamY
There have been plenty more great interactions, and now we see Ed shine on the BIG screen, which is tremendous!!! Watch the conversation: HERE! https://youtu.be/ugEuLCqfcVw