AND, we end this week's @EchoChamberFP with a new highly touted short from director Brian Lawes, who was also kind enough to stop by and talk about!

'Lost Kings' is a short film from Brian Lawes, which has been gaining so much traction, it's under consideration for an Oscar nomination!!! Many children across the country go hungry and are forced to look for food in any way they can, and the film highlights this following a boy (Dash Melrose), doing just that. After finding that there is no food in the house to feed him and his little brother (Jacob M Wade) a decision has to be made on what he's prepared to do to put food on the table. After a failed attempt in a bodega, a simpler opportunity looks to come up. However, sometimes the simple things could lead to the most dire consequences!

Watch the conversation HERE!

'Part Two' has:

Lost Kings - Poster

Lost Kings

Watch Review: Here.
Edmonton International Film Festival Release Date: 5th October 202o

Director: Brian Lawes

Cast: Dash Melrose, Jacob M Wade, Jo Ashley Moore, Cassie Self, Max Michael, Brett Bower, Travis Vernier

Genre: Drama, Short

Running Time: 14 mins

Cert: 15
Trailer: Here.
Website: Here.


Brian Lawes

Watch the conversation HERE!

Brian Lawes

Brian Lawes is an American film director, writer, and producer. He is known for Lost Kings (2020), Rock Paper Scissors (2018), and Tempo (2017). His films have played all across the world, earning multiple jury awards, with notable premieres at the Oscar® Qualifying Palm Springs International ShortFest, HollyShorts Film Festival, and Indy Shorts International Film Festival. Brian is currently in development on his first feature film.

Follow Brian via:

IMDb: Here.

Website: Here.

Instagram: @brianlawes

Vimeo: Here.


You can hear ‘Part One’ of this week’s episode HERE!!!


‘Ultimate Flow' by The Clipse - 2008


Echo Chamber - 174 - Part One


Echo Chamber - 173 - Part One