Echo Chamber - 279 - Part Two (The Winter House)
Now we jump to 'Part TWO, of this week's @EchoChamberFP https://www.instagram.com/echochamberfp/ episode!!!
On the docket is a new thriller set in the cold months of the Northeastern reaches of the United States! We get new layers added to a familiar story, to great affect! THEN, the film’s architect drops by to breakdown how this engaging feature was brought to life!!! Watch the conversation: HERE! https://youtu.be/6NsgeT47I1s

Echo Chamber - 255 - Part Three
AND, this supersized edition of this week's @EchoChamberFP comes to a close with 'Part THREE'!!!
We have a slice of life tale from Freestyle Digital Media @freestyledigitalmedia that examines those external & internal thoughts we have when we're just taking a leisurely stroll! Then the creative force behind the project joins us for an in-depth look at the filmmaking process! Watch the conversation: HERE! https://youtu.be/jQThnTQRQwc

Echo Chamber - 247 - Part Two
NOW 'Part TWO' of this week's @EchoChamberFP is ready to go!
We have a new indie joint that is equal strong story, as it is strong message. Then, we are joined by the creative mind behind the feat, for an in-depth journey through the process! Watch the conversation: HERE! https://youtu.be/XEUkQVAugzo

Echo Chamber - 218
This week on @EchoChamberFP with have three films. Two very different types of horror, one from Signature Entertainment and the other 1091 Pictures. Then we have an Amazon Video exclusive from Buffalo 8 & Eyeam Cinema.